Sunday, October 16, 2011

We Need Judges!

If you are entering the Great Expectations Contest (or even if you aren't), please consider serving as a judge!  We need both published and pre-published writers of romance and women's fiction who are willing to provide constructive feedback to their fellow writers.  Don't worry if you've never judged before; we'll provide you with informative training and answer all of your questions via our judges' Yahoo group.

If you are interested in judging, please take a few minutes to fill out the information form here:

Within about 48 hours of the submission of your form, we'll send you an e-mail invitation to join the Yahoo Group.  We ask that all judges join the group (if you don't want to receive the messages, you can set your preferences to "daily digest" or even just receive "special notices" from your friendly neighborhood coordinator).

As always, thank you for supporting the Great Expectations!