Sunday, February 11, 2018

Friends, we need your help.

We’ve sent notices to the four corners of romance. . . but we need more judges.

Would you consider judging one or two entries OR forwarding our plea to any writing organization you’re a part of?  

If you don’t feel qualified, take a look at what a first-time judge had to say:

“This is my first time judging for your contest, and I have to say that truly, this was the most positive judging experience I've had. Your resources and blog training were so helpful, and the emphasis on positivity and constructive criticism nearly brought tears to my eyes. In particular, seeing your post on all the judge comments you've received - for a book that was bought by Harlequin with no edits - really helped me as a writer. I enter a lot of contests, too, and there have been several where the judges forgot that I was a human being. One most recently was rough, but judging in this contest really vindicated that experience. Thanks for doing such a great job organizing, training, and encouraging both entrants and judges.” Brandi S.

Please send your friends here to our blog site to sign up. Or pass along our direct link: 

We hope you can help,

NTRWA GE Judge Coordinator

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Our judge training is posted on-line for convenience but also so the entrant can review the tips.

The training is reviewed each year.
Changes are made to the original posting.

Here are the shortcuts to all the pages:

We're always interested in articles about editing, how-to-write, constructive shortcuts or inspiration. Please feel free to send suggestions to the